Supported Compilers and Library Dependencies -------------------------------------------- GAMBIT is built using the CMake system. The following libraries and packages must be installed prior to configuration: COMPULSORY: - gcc/gfortran 4.7.1 or greater, or icc/ifort 12.1.0 or greater ** MacOS users: "gcc" and "g++" included with MacOS are actually clang, and don't work ** with GAMBIT because they lack OpenMP support. You will need to install gcc/gfortran ** separately (I would recommend using homebrew to install gcc@6). - Python 2.7 or greater (Python 3 is not supported) - Python modules: yaml, os, re, datetime, sys, getopt, shutil and itertools. - Boost 1.41 or greater - GNU Scientific Library (GSL) 1.10 or greater - Eigen 3.1.0 or greater - LAPACK - PKG Config - cmake 2.8.5 or greater OPTIONAL: - the h5py python module (for using hdf5 files) - HDF5 (for using hdf5 files) ** MacOS users: This must be compiled with gcc, and not clang. With homebrew you can do ** this with: ** HOMEBREW_CC=gcc-6 HOMEBREW_CXX=g++-6 brew install hdf5 -s, ** where you replace gcc-6 and g++-6 with whatever version of gcc you have installed. - MPI (required for parallel sampling) - axel (speeds up downloads of backends and scanners) - graphviz (required for model hierarchy and dependency tree plots) - ROOT (required for the Delphes detector simulation, or the GreAT scanner from ScannerBit) ** MacOS users: ROOT also needs to be compiled with g++ and not clang. This is almost ** certainly not worth the trouble. (We won't use Delphes or GreAT for the tutorials.) Download GAMBIT --------------- wget tar -xvf gambit-1.1.1.tar.gz cd gambit_1.1-1.1.1 Build GAMBIT ------------ The basic build instructions are as follows, but note that cmake will fail to find some dependencies on some systems without guidance. More information is provided in the troubleshooting section at the end of this file, and in the main GAMBIT paper (arXiv:1705.07908). Note that we will skip compilation of Delphes and the GreAT scanner for this tutorial, to avoid any dependency on ROOT. We do this by passing the option -Ditch="Delphes;great" to cmake below. From the main gambit directory, do mkdir build cd build cmake -Ditch="Delphes;great" .. make -jn scanners (where n specifies the desired number of cores for the build, e.g. 4) cmake .. (Don't forget this step!) make -jn gambit ** MacOS users: You need to let cmake know which compiler to use. You can do that as follows ** cmake -D CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++-6 -D CMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc-6 -D CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER=gfortran-6 ** -Ditch="Delphes;great" ../ ** To avoid issues with compilation of GreAT, instead of make scanners type: ** make multinest ** make diver Build backend codes ------------------- To build all backend codes make -jn backends You can also build individual backends using make -jn To clean a backend, do make clean- To completely remove a backend, do make nuke- For plotting: Install pippi and ctioga2 --------------------------------------- To install pippi, do make get-pippi Pippi requires ctioga2. To install ctioga2 do either gem install ctioga2 (OSX or Linux) *or* apt-get install ctioga2 (Linux) *or* see for help. Test GAMBIT ----------- To see which backends and scanners have been installed correctly, go to the main GAMBIT directory and do ./gambit backends ./gambit scanners To run the GAMBIT spartan example, do gambit -f yaml_files/spartan.yaml To run an example GAMBIT MSSM7 scan, do: gambit -f yaml_files/MSSM7.yaml Other examples are provided in the yaml_files folder. Further readmes and documentation can also be found in the doc folder. Troubleshooting --------------- Below are some suggestions to sort out common problems. You may also check out to see examples of specific tweaks used to build GAMBIT on various clusters. Missing Eigen? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If Eigen3 is not installed, go to the directory where you want to install it and do wget tar xvzf 3.3.3.tar.gz To point the GAMBIT cmake system to your copy of Eigen, use the cmake flag EIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR, e.g. cmake -Ditch="Delphes;great" -D EIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR=YOUR/PATH/TO/eigen-eigen-67e894c6cd8f .. Scanner doesn't work? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Do you get "undefined symbol: run" or "undefined symbol: cdiver" or similar when running a scan? You probably forgot to re-run "cmake .." after building your scanner. Try the following: cd build cmake .. make gambit cd .. You can check the status of the scanners by running ./gambit scanners Trouble compiling something unimportant? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cmake -Ditch="something" .. Need to clean up something? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ make clean-something Need to get rid of something? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ make nuke-something Need to start from scratch? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From the build directory, do make nuke-all cd .. rm -f build Don't know what something is? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Try asking GAMBIT. ./gambit something