INSTRUCTIONS TO DOWNLOAD AND BUILD GAMBIT ========================================= *** Please do these steps in advance of the Tutorial*** Downloading GAMBIT ------------------ * Option 1 : for git users git clone cd gambit_2.2 * Option 2: for everyone else, from Hepforge (if up) wget tar -xvf gambit-2.2.1.tar.gz cd gambit_2.2 * Option 3: for everyone else, from GitHub wget unzip mv gambit_2.2-release_2.2 gambit_2.2 cd gambit_2.2 Building GAMBIT --------------- * Easy way: Docker Install Docker Community Edition Stable: Run docker run -it gambitbsm/gambit-pippi This will give you a bash shell with GAMBIT installed and ready to run. Note that the download in this case is around 6 GB. Docker reference: docker run: run an image docker ps: list active containers docker ps -a: list active and stopped containers docker cp: copy files between host and container docker image ls: list available images/apps docker help: useful! * Hard way: local build Requirements for all Tutorials: - gcc >= 5.1 / llvm clang >= 10 / AppleClang >= 13 / icc >= 15.0.2 - gfortran >= 5.1 / ifort >=15.0.2 - Cmake 2.8.12 or greater - Python 2.7 or greater (Python 3 is supported) - Python modules: yaml, future, os, re, datetime, sys, getopt, shutil and itertools. - git - Boost 1.48 or greater - GNU Scientific Library (GSL) 2.1 or greater - Eigen 3.1.0 or greater - LAPACK - pkg-config - HDF5 (and hdf5-tools) - MPI Other requirements for Tutorial 1: - ROOT (required for HEPLike) Other requirements for Tutorial 3: - Mathematica 7.0 or greater (required for GUM) - UUID (required for the use of the WSTP interface for GUM) - X11 development libraries (required for the use of GUM) - Boost compiled libraries (required for the use of GUM): Boost.Python, Boost.Filesystem, Boost.System OSX users: - Either install gcc/g++ via homebrew - Or to use clang, follow instructions in Instructions to build minimal version for Tutorials: mkdir build cd build cmake -DWITH_MPI=on -DWITH_ROOT=on -Ditch="Cosmo;Collider;Precision;Mathematica;pybind" .. make -j4 scanners cmake .. (yes, do it again, needed to register the scanner plugins with the build system) make -j4 superiso heplike make -j4 gambit Plotting results ---------------- * For plotting we use pippi and ctioga2 To download pippi, in the GAMBIT build directory, run make get-pippi If the ctioga2 gem is not installed in your system gem install ctioga2 (OSX or Linux) *or* apt-get install ctioga2 (Linux) *or* see for help. * Note: ctioga2 does not work with Ruby 3.0. To install and select Ruby 2.7, you must install rbenv and ruby-build, and then run sudo rbenv install ruby-2.7.1 sudo rbenv global 2.7.1 If the installation of ruby fails, it means your version of openssl is too high for ruby 2.7.1. In that case download the new version of ruby-build at which automatically downloads the right version of openssl for ruby (might need to also install autoconf and bison) Testing GAMBIT -------------- * Use the diagnostics ./gambit scanners ./gambit backends * Run spartan example ./gambit -f yaml_files/spartan.yaml Building GUM ------------ * In the gum directory mkdir build cd build cmake .. make -j4 Troubleshooting --------------- Below are some suggestions to sort out common problems. You may also check out to see examples of specific tweaks used to build GAMBIT on various clusters. * Missing Eigen? If Eigen3 is not installed, go to the directory where you want to install it and do wget tar xvzf 3.3.3.tar.gz To point the GAMBIT cmake system to your copy of Eigen, use the cmake flag EIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR, e.g. cmake -D EIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR=YOUR/PATH/TO/eigen-eigen-67e894c6cd8f .. * Scanner doesn't work? Do you get "undefined symbol: run" or "undefined symbol: cdiver" or similar when running a scan? You probably forgot to re-run "cmake .." after building your scanner. Try the following: cd build cmake .. make gambit cd .. You can check the status of the scanners by running ./gambit scanners * Dependency resolver can't find your spectrum capability Maybe you did not build the right FlexibleSUSY model, make sure to add that at cmake time, e.g. for the CMSSM run cmake -D BUILD_FS_MODELS="CMSSM" .. * I can't remember which cmake flags to use or which ones I used to compile Check the file for the full list of possible cmake options and after running cmake, the file CMakeCache.txt in the build directory will tell you which ones you used. * Trouble compiling something unimportant? Ditch it cmake -Ditch="something" .. * Need to clean up something? make clean-something * Need to get rid of something? make nuke-something * Need to start from scratch? From the build directory, do make nuke-all cd .. rm -f build * Don't know what something is? Try asking GAMBIT. ./gambit something